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The Fall of Atlanta

Lovejoy Station Geo
Sept. 9, 1864

J. L. Meyer, Esq.
Columbus, Geo.

Dear friend,

Atlanta has fallen! & lucky are you that you removed your family when you did. Genl Sherman the fiend in human form, issues an order for all Men, Women & Children, White & Black to leave Atlanta either North or South in ten days after his proclamation, thus necessarily forcing many families out of their houses & homes to the colder charity of the World.

Emperor Alexander of Russia sent the rebellious Poles as exiles to Siberia & Lincoln through his tool Sherman exiles "freemen from their Republican home." Well may Sherman say to the enlightened crowned heads of Europe in imitation to Shylock in the merchant of Venice "The lesson you have taught me I will execute, and better by example."

Civilization is going backwards & enlightened Religion is a mockery, nothing but puritanic bigotry & humbug as practiced in Yankee Land. When Enlightened Millions of Souls, raised & educated in freedom of speech & action have tamely to submit to such outrages--Liberty is gone indeed.

A Monarchy in its worst form is far more preferable. -- bloodshed & carnage, ruin & destruction of this whole continent is the only prospect of the future, unless we succeed soon.-- The Success of the South is the success of Liberty & with its downfall -- Freedom receives its death blow. -- It is most unfortunately to us the most vital blow-- for after the puritanic race has installed their party into power, sectional religion & bigotry will be the reign.

I do not feel despondent yet, but simply look the dark side of the picture starkly but calmly in the face. I feel individually unconcerned, should Misfortune befall me & lose all I have, by the will of G-d I will remove to some other Country where "freedom" is still sacred & the test of Religion is no drawback.

I left Mr. Abrm. Isaacs well & suppose they will make their way North. Mr. Wohlgartens children are with them, He had gone to Macon & I have not learned that he has returned.

We are here now in the woods living like hogs, but still have room to divide bed & board with you. I think it is high time that you report at these Headquarters else we will have to send a Provost Guard after you.

Excuse my bad writing, I am writing this with a stick & Know you will not show this around.

My Kindest regards to your family. Write soon.

Yours Resp'y
Isaac Scherck

Maj. Moore wishes to be remembered. Why have we not heard from you before this?

Address your letters to Genl Hoods Headquarters
Army of Tennessee